Film Pitch Idea

Chasing Dreams 

Main Idea of Story

The hero, an everyday businessman, is going about his life when his family is killed. Now he must battle a Soviet superspy to gain revenge. After facing off with his enemy in the back streets of London, the action reaches its peak during an exciting car chase. At the end of the film, while walking away from a fiery explosion, our hero wakes up in his bed and realizes it was all a dream. The main character is trying to do well for his family because he has just got a new job as a business man in Kensington. He thinks that his life is turning round but in an instant everything comes crashing down. His family are killed on day whilst he is at work due to having intelligence that his family owes them money. We soon find out that these Russian billionaires have made there money entirely from scamming people and wrongly accusing random people that they owe them money. When Jason finds this out he gets decided to put together a team of people who he has been in contact with that have had past run ins with these men. Will they be able to stop these powerful Russians or will they carry on their path of dominance and ruin the lives of more unsuspecting people.

Genre: Thriller

Settings and Props: It will be set in the backstreets of London, quite a rough area, The props that are used are guns, cars, briefcase full of money, blacked out glasses.

Target Audience: The target audience for my film will be
Films I enjoy that I have based my ideas on
- Fast And Furious
- The Blind side

Film Title : Chasing Dreams
I have got for quite a catchy but somewhat cheesy title as it combines to parts of my film together nicely, the chasing bit obviously comes from the exciting car chase that is involved in my film and the dreams part has come from the fact that this whole story was all just in the mans dream (ignore the cliché)

Target Audience: My target audience for my film will be based for teenagers and young adults but will hopefully please a wide range of audiences, I have aimed at the younger market because they are more likely to go out and watch the films so we need to make it interesting and eye catching to suit them.

 Jason: 30 year old man with 2 young children who is trying to make ends meet for his family who are struggling. This character I though could be played by James Corden, I have decided to choose James Corden because he will appeal to the younger audience as we can relate to him as an actor very well, he is known for his emotional side to him in Gavin and Stacey where he did a great job of attaching people to his character Smithy.

Sarah: 25 year old wife of Jason, who is struggling to keep the family going as they our short of money she does the best with what she has to keep the children happy. This character I think should be played by Cameron Diaz because she has played rolls in films before which have an emotional side to them s she would fit the role perfectly.

Damian: This 28 year old was born and raised in the back allies of Hackney, he takes no prisoners and is ready for anything, he may not be the smartest tool in the box but what he lacks in brains he more than makes up for in street know how. This character will be played by Vin Diesel as he is known for his tough man representation.

Carlos: This man giant has lost nearly all of his family too these men and he is adamant on stopping
them. This character will be played by Dwayne Johnson just because of the roles he has played before and due to his physical stature.

Vladmir: The 35 year old Russian superspy is hired by only the best in the business to sort out there on-going problems they may have with people, he doesn't mess around and doesn't do things lightly. He is going to be played by Vinny Jones a hard hitting man who is known for taking no prisoners.

Sergei: This Russian billionaire is no mug, he takes money and business very seriously and any one who crossed his path is in big trouble, with money comes power and this man has it in handfuls. This character will be played by Arnold Schwazerniger because he fits the stereo-type very well as a foreign bad guy, he is known for his role in the terminator so he will fit the role well.

Setting: This film will be set in the main area of London but two completely different parts of it, one part we will have will be a run down street where families are struggling for money and the other part of it will be a rich thriving area of London where the best of the best live.

Themes: The theme in this film I guess is heroism although he does not manage to save his family he makes sure that this evil men do not got there hands on everything they want.

Human Icons: Guns, Cars, Computers, Spy Equipment

Universal Pictures are the institution to my film because they are known for their brilliant action films.