Textual Analysis of 3 genres

The Avengers Assemble

Six gifted protagonists - Iron man (Robert Downey), The hulk/Dr bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), and Black Widdow (Scarlett Johansson), team up to conquer the supervillain Loki, who stole the Tesseract. The tesseract , an object which thrives off energy which could destroy the Earth.
The genre of  The Avengers Assemble is an action movie, allowing for the thrills of chase, the suspense, drama and action within the movie. The settings within the movie vary from being in New York, Germany (Earth being a main setting), to a spacecraft and Asgard, Thors home planet. Despite the sci-fi approach the settings appear realistic and allow the viewer to feel apart of the movie. Loki's Earth-domination plans could make the viewer feel protective as it is their own.
 A wide variation of props are used making it more believable and can also make it more entertaining for the viewer. Props such as guns, Thors hammer, tesseract, Captain America's shield, Iron mans suit, all create a more adventurous experience. The throbbing translucent blue tesseract that thrives off power can be viewed in many ways. The throbbing representing the energy within and the fact its being used to destroy Earth, the colour blue, which can be seen as a negative colour can portray the inappropriate consequences involved.
The costumes reflect the look and characteristics of their movie counterparts and portray the 'avengers assemble' new abilities and strengths. For example when Dr Bruce Banner transforms into the hulk, the immense size and the colour green which represents growth, portrays incredible strength. The make up within the movie also has the same effects as the costumes such as portraying information about the characters. Loki being very pale could signify he is weak minded, as he feels the need to destroy a planet in order to gain power.
The different body language used can signify many things such as power, confidence, weakness. When Hawkeye and Black Widdow team up, they walk with a good posture and broad shoulders which implies confidence. Different facial expressions also portray the same things, for example when Thor uses a serious face when it comes to the battle, it shows he is focused and determined to not allow the Earth to be destroyed. In comparison when Loki realises he has no chance of obtaining the Earth he facial expressions change from showing determination to a look of despair and fear, due to the consequences of his actions.
The different positioning in the frame can subtly indicate a character’s isolation or feelings of confinement. For example when it shows Thor coming into action the camera is positioned below Thor making him appear powerful and imposing.
Lighting can change the atmosphere and impact on the thoughts of the viewer. An example of this is when Iron Man is taking the missile into space it becomes dark suggesting it could be the end, creating a tense atmosphere. In comparison when he is falling back to Earth the lightening becomes lighter suggesting hope and life, creating a more positive atmosphere. Colours have the same effect, brighter colours represent positivity in comparison to dull colours representing negativity, even within clothing. Loki wears black clothing which can refer to his dark plans in gaining power. In contrast to this Captain America wears colours of his nation, showing loyalty.
Sound effects are key and add realism, changing the affect of each scene on the viewer. Louder or softer sounds may be used or nothing at all to create suspense. Using sound can convey the mood, atmosphere and emotions. When Loki is in Germany his is trying to get everyone to kneel to him, there is silent part, creating a tension, however when a man stands up to him slow soft music begins signifying hope, changing  the mood that had been previously created.
A memorable camera shot is when the five protagonists line up in the final battle with the camera positioned below them. This is memorable as it shows many things such as power, team work, dedication and loyalty as they are prepared and ready to fight for the Earth. Another memorable shot is when Loki tries to use the Tesseract on Iron man but it fails to work and the camera rises above him making him look small and useless. Lokis facial expressions also dropped from the look of power to fear and the sound effects also stopped making it appear awkward, creating a humour as Loki failed at his attempt.

Pirates And The Caribbean Dead Mans Chest

Genre: Action/ Adventure/ Fantasy

Settings and Props:
The setting in this small section of the film is I would say somewhere like a desolate island such as Madagascar where there are still local tribes that hunt and live in their own surroundings with comfort. I think this is somewhere like Madagascar because of the forest like surroundings and the fruit also gives away it is a tropical island.
The props that are used in this scene that our key are the fruit and pole without this obviously the events that follow after would not be as funny and it would be much easier for Jack to escape so it makes it more comical for the audience. The spears give it a sense of danger and make us more intrigued as an audience to see if Jack will make it off the island safely. The ship is a main prop because without that they would all still be stuck on the Island, also the ship is the main part of the film as they are pirates! The glass eye is a key prop as if the monkey had not take in the two characters may have been able to get away with the ship before the others had come back. The dog is the last main prop in the scene because if the dog had not been there the tribe would not have been distracted and so would have carried on chasing Jack.

Costume/ Hair/ Make up
The pirates are wearing dirty white shirts and old waistcoats, this is to show that they are scruffy pirates who have been on a ship, they are not exactly wary of fashion so it does not bother them! They have long hair where they do not cut it on the ships, they also have lots of facial hair this is to show that they are your typical scruffy pirate. The tribe are face painted this shows that they are completely different and that they are living their own way, they also wear face paint to be threatening and show a distinct difference between themselves and the pirates. Jack is wearing his usual bandana to show that he is the main character in the scene.

Facial Expression and Body Language
The facial expressions that are adopted in this scene are relatively ones of shock and surprise as all of the actions that happen are surprising and are also of somewhat a humorous nature. From the way that the characters stand you can see which ones feel more comftable in the current situation and environment and this is the tribe they are standing tall and strong showing their dominance over the pirates who have come onto their island. The tribes woman look very confused by what is happening as they are not used to seeing this. There is a look of fear in Will Turners eyes when he sees all of the tribe running towards them. Jack also at the end as he is getting onto the boat has a smug look on his face as he knows he is safe on the ship.

Position Of Characters In Frames
 The main position of characters in the frames are central, for example the main characters such as Captain Jack Sparrow are always central, but then you have the lesser characters such as the tribes woman and these are usually positioned in the side of a frame so you can still see them but they do not hold as much importance/purpose as the character in main focus.

Lighting And Colour
The lighting in this scene is just standard daytime lighting, there has been no special effort to focus the light on a particular area, they have used dark colours in the scene and this is in my opinion to highlight that they are in a tough situation.

Sound And Editing
There is tense music being played when the tribe are looking down at the pirates in the water this gives us as a viewer the seriousness of the scene, there is a constant changing of the type of music they use though in the space of 2 minutes this is because there are lots of different events that are happening that will eventually lead on to the same part, for example when Captain Jack Sparrow is trying to jump the cliff the music becomes almost comedic because although we know he is in danger he as a character always seems to make something funny out of the situation. The music stops when someone is making an important speech for example William Turner " I'm not leaving without Jack" a long silence is held here until they see Jack but then they see he has the whole tribe chasing after him and then the music starts again, the music used here is the typical Pirates And The Caribbean theme song which most people who have seen the films before would recognise as only being played when there is a fight or a chase going on, so the song holds a purpose.

Memorable Camera Shots
The memorable camera shots that I noticed in the scene were, Jack Sparrow flipping himself over the edge of the cliff, this in my opinion is memorable because of the humour that is involved within it, this reason is also the same in why I chose Jack hanging upside down on the rope because you remember these because of the humour. Jack laying on the forest floor looking at the pole land right next to his head is memorable because of the facial expressions he uses. William Turner and the crew seeing Jack Sparrow being chased by the tribe down the beach is another shot I like because of the facial expressions they use. Jack running away from the tribe down the beach and then Jacks speech at the end on the ship are memorable and this is like most of the other memorable shots is because they are humorous, if something makes you laugh then you usually remember it.

The Woman In Black

Genre: Drama/ Horror/ Thriller

Settings And Props: The setting in this scene is a dark old empty house in rural England. The main props used in the scene are an Axe this would suggest than the character is concerned about their safety, the gravestone has a very important part to tell as this is what the film is based around this grave. Candles are important because they are always used to give somewhere and eerie feeling and usually candles move and flicker when the supernatural are around. The dog is an important prop because it indicates to us that there is something outside that has disturbed it, dogs only usually bark when they feel threatened.

Costume/ Hair/Make Up
The costumes used in this scene are only needed for one character, he is wearing quite a smart uniform which includes a smart shirt and waistcoat, he has white face make up on because it is used to make him look scared and cold. Sideburns would help explain the time this film was set in, his hair is cut neat and tidy and old fashioned.

Facial Expression and Body Language
Body Language is showing that he is threatened you can see this because he is walking extremely slowly and is keeping everything very close to himself. He is also standing side on almost ready to attack something that may jump out on him. He look confused/worried about what is happening.

Position Of Characters In Frame
The character is always mainly in the centre of the shot because he is the main focus of attention. The only time that he is not in the centre is when he is walking down the stairs and he is slightly right of frame because the door and the dog are more important in this little section.

Light And Colour
Very dark and eerie all dull colours this is used for a purpose of creating a scary setting, the only light that they have in this section is a few candles.

Sound And Editing
You can here footsteps and breathing very clearly, long periods of silence are used for suspense, piercing scream after silence is used to make you jump! The editing was very clever for example the face appearing in the window and also the hand print that was smeared also onto the window.

Memorable Camera Shots
The extreme close up on the grave is used to highlight its importance and also the extreme close up on the door handle this is memorable because the noise and the suspense of what is behind the other side of the door makes you intrigued.