Poscig Shot List

Shot 1
Shot 1 is of 3 computer screens with different images on them.
Shot 2
Shot two is of the boss of the hitmen sitting down looking at the computer screens

Shot 3
Shot three is a picture of the target that we are tracking down.
Shot 4
This shot is of our target biking up a hill
Shot 5
This is of our target cycling past our polish hit men who are inside the car
Shot 6
This is as the chase is starting
Shot 7
This is where the hitmen go along side the suspect cyclist
Shot 8
This is of when the car is stops and the hitmen carry the chase out on foot
Shot 9
The hitmans boss is looking at how the chase is unfolding through the computer screens
Shot 10
The polish hitmen have caught up with the suspect
Shot 11
This is where the hitmen are about to get the bag from the suspect
Shot 12
This shows the suspect has been killed and the hitmen are taking the bag