Textual Analysis of 3 genres


Batman The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

The lighting in this film differs throughout the different scenes, for example at the start of the film when they are fighting in the city square you just have the natural daylight which is naturally slightly darker as it is snowing outside this does give a feeling that something dark and evil is about to happen. The lighting gets even darker when the Batman kicks Bane through the double doors and has him no one on one on his own defenceless, it goes darker because you know that the batman is either going to get the information out of him or he is going to kill him.

The costumes used in this scene are different depending on the importance of the characters involved for example the civilians that are fighting the police officers are just in normal every day clothes showing that they are not that important at this point, they do not really stand out from the crowd. The police officers are obviously in uniform this would be trying to show that they are usually powerful but at this point they have no control over what is happening. The Batman and Bane are wearing their distinctive body wear this is obviously used to show that they are the main characters in the scene and that they are wear the most important action will be placed at.

Make up and hairstyles
Make up and hairstyles is not really that effective in this scene as you cannot see the Batman's face but his arch rival Bane has a shaved head this is usually associated with evil enemies they always have shaved heads to make themselves look scarier and more like a thug.

The actors in this scene have played the parts very well the best part is the job the civilians and the police officers do because they create the mood of the scene before the Batman and Bane have even spoken this is good because it shows that they have entertained us well whilst they build up for Bane vs. Batman the fight.

The main props that are used in this scene is the van that the man crashes into one of the lorries this is significant because they are trying to find an important object inside it. The other props that are important include the police batons that they are carrying this is important because it shows they are trying to gain authority in the scene.

There are lots of civilians shouting in the background, but they are only background noise because they are not as important as the Batman and Bane who are also fighting who's sounds are more prominent. They have used lots of sharp piercing sounds to portray the importance of what this object has in the scene. The music is up tempo, fast paced as this is because they are building up or fighting in a battle and there hearts are racing and this is trying to be shown in the speed of the music. Batman and Bane's voices are very deep and dark suggesting that they are the powerful characters. The music stops when the batman kicks bane through the glass this is because what the Batman has to say is very important and without the music it makes the message clearer and sticks in your mind for longer.
